Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive condition that causes many symptoms, such as excess hair growth, infertility, and weight gain.


Despite this, we don’t know much about the polycystic ovarian syndrome. But awareness is the key to getting the diagnosis and treatment you need.


PCOS is a condition estimated to affect 10 per cent of women of childbearing age. PCOS’s exact cause is unknown, but both high levels of androgens and insulin resistance may play a role in its development. PCOS has many symptoms, including irregular periods and excess hair growth, making it difficult to diagnose.


PCOS symptoms can have a physical and emotional impact on those affected. PCOS can cause weight gain, acne, and hair loss. These physical symptoms can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and body image issues. Women with PCOS may also experience infertility, which can create a feeling of hopelessness and depression.


Those with PCOS may also be at increased risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and mental health problems.


PCOS can significantly impact a patient’s life, but many treatments are available to manage the symptoms. These treatments may include lifestyle changes, such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress. Medications like birth control pills and anti-androgens can also treat specific symptoms. 


PCOS can be challenging, but it does not define you. Many symptoms can be managed with the right treatments, and you can still have a fulfilling and healthy life. 



The polycystic ovarian syndrome is a major cause of infertility. To raise awareness of this issue, every September is designated PCOS Awareness Month. Some common symptoms are: 


  • Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods 
  • Excessive male hormone (androgen) levels 
  • Polycystic ovaries 
  • Infertility


PCOS is a severe problem for many women, and we must raise awareness about it. PCOS Awareness Month is an excellent opportunity for women to share their experiences and educate others about the disease. Doing so can help more women get diagnosed and treated early. 


Many PCOS women feel they will never have children. Fertility treatments are available. In vitro, fertilisation and egg donation are two options that can give women a chance to become mothers. 



PCOS is a common endocrine disorder that affects women during their reproductive years. It is characterised by hyperandrogenism (excessive male hormones) and chronic anovulation (the inability to ovulate).  


Many women rarely get diagnosed with PCOS immediately. Hence, doctors must look for the disorder’s hallmark signs, like irregular menstrual cycles, hirsutism, infertility, and a family history of PCOS. There are no one-size-fits-all diagnostic criteria for PCOS. 


PCOS criteria comprise three main features: irregular periods due to lack of ovulation, evidence of high levels of androgens (male hormones), and the exclusion of other conditions that could cause these symptoms. The Rotterdam criteria add that diagnosing PCOS requires two conditions: irregular periods, signs of high androgen, and polycystic ovaries.  


It is a condition that causes problems for women. These problems include mood disturbances, weight gain, sexual difficulties, and fertility problems. PCOS may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is essential to treat PCOS symptoms and consider the long-term health of women with this condition. 



The physical health consequences and emotional impact of PCOS have been largely ignored. PCOS can significantly affect the quality of life, an issue that needs to be taken seriously. Measuring patients’ quality of life with PCOS can be difficult, as what one person considers a poor quality of life may be acceptable for others. 


It’s essential to remember that despite the well-documented scales and questionnaires available, information is often subjective. To be satisfied with our quality of life, we need to feel healthy mentally and physically and have a positive sense of self. This cannot be easy if we’re not feeling our best. 


Thankfully, there are ways to get there. Standardised questionnaires and control groups are often used to better understand our feelings. Asking patients about their feelings may not always give the most accurate answer, so these questionnaires and groups help fill the gaps. 


PCOS patients should also maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and diet are important components of managing symptoms and improving mental health. Eating healthily and exercising regularly can reduce stress and anxiety, improving quality of life. 


Finally, it is worthwhile to remember that quality of life is not just about physical health. PCOS can affect a person’s emotional and mental well-being, and support from family, friends, and health professionals can be essential for managing these effects. Connecting with others and participating in activities that bring joy and satisfaction can also be beneficial. 



Patients with PCOS need to be treated more holistically, as the syndrome affects a woman’s mind, body, and sense of self. By taking a more holistic approach, we can feel better mentally and physically and have a more positive outlook.  


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